AirDroid Business



AirDroid Remote Support


オンラインで確認されたレビューは、Google PlayとApple App Storeによって収集されました。

AirDroid Personal




AirDroid Business
AirDroid Remote Support
AirDroid Personal
AirDroid Personal
AirDroid Personal
AirDroid Personal
AirDroid Personal
What makes Airdroid so unique is how it handles connecting to your phone. Unlike the others on this list, which all work with your Google account, Airdroid connects to your phone over Wi-Fi. It then gives you a desktop-like interface that allows you to control your phone remotely. It's really cool.
By Cameron Summerson
AirDroid is a great utility for accessing your Android device remotely and without cables. It allows you to wirelessly transfer files, update contacts, manage ringtones and more.
By Ed Rhee
AirDroid is our favorite tool for remotely accessing your smartphone. The app, which is free and available on the Google Play Store, uses your local Wi-Fi network to seamlessly connect your Android device to your PC or Mac.
By Joshua Sherman
The first is the inclusion of AirDroid, an Android management app that also includes desktop SMS, sharing files and media between your phone and your laptop, and tools for locating or remote wiping a lost Android phone.
By Brian Westover
Along with its web component, AirDroid allows you to manage your phone and transfer files to and from it wirelessly, both on a local network and remotely. That’s not all: it’s feature list includes everything but the kitchen sink. It will allow you to send and receive texts from your desktop, locate your lost phone, manage apps, use the camera remotely, call contacts, share the clipboard, and then some.
By Aayush Arya
AirDroid lets you perform most of your common phone tasks through a PC. It's easy to set up and get running, and you can use it on multiple computers. AirDroid works best when both the PC and the phone are on the same network, The app also works without a wireless network, just in case you're using it outside home and don't trust the network you're on. Most of the features do exactly what they say.
By Mihir Patkar


Google Playの評価とレビュー

/5 | 62K 評価
Brandon Painter |Jan 28, 2022
Probably the most convenient app to connect to and tx/rx files to your PC. Definitely worth the premium with no bandwidth limits or data cap. If you do a lot of transfers or often find yourself wanting to instead of using a cloud storage solution this is the app for you! Good show, old boy!
Bobby Montozzi |Feb 28, 2022
I'm an independent rap artist/producer and This transfer program, hands down, is the best file transfer from PC to your phone. This is the only app you need for transferring your files, photos, projects, music projects, audio/mp3/wav.files, etc. I can't express enough how much this app has helped me with all my needs for my music career with transferring. It's very user friendly an not complicated to use at all. Thank You AIRDROID!!!
Vikutta Perex |Feb 11, 2021
This app makes it so easy to transfer content from the phone to the PC and vice-versa and you are able to even put files in just about any location (Even more locations if the device is rooted). There are very many useful features such as screen-mirroring and remote control from the PC itself.
A Google user |Mar 21, 2020
Great app! Perfect for transferring my pics and videos seamlessly from my android phone to my mac. Don't know what I would do without it! No cords or wires needed. Within seconds my files are sent. The only drawback is that you can't select more than 1 file to send so it can be a bit time consuming if you have alot to transfer. Otherwise works great.
A Google user |July 17, 2019
I love this app. Makes it much easier to put pics and music onto or out of my phone. It's personally easier through the computer site, but you still need the app to make it work. Overall, would completely recommend if you have a Mac Computer and an LG/Samsung phone. I have been using for over a year with multiple devices and have had no real problems. Very easy to maneuver and easy to access. Once again, love this app and would recommend.
A Google user |July 17, 2019
Great App. Advanced, easy to use full feature connection to rooted and non-rooted devices. I have been using it for years to manage files and share my screen with coworkers from my PC. I connect from my browser on my PC to manage my contacts, music, documents, texts as well. You can also access from other phones, tablets using thats devices browser in an emergency to access everything on your phone including the find my phone feature. I you want a break from small screens this app is for you.
Paul Curtis |Nov 28, 2020
Outstanding and very useful; easy to use. Thank you This app continues to improve over time and adds value in the process. I find that being able to transfer images from my cell phone to my desktop is extremely useful and very quick to execute - literally drag and drop.
Rene D. |Jan 15, 2021
I'm using the free version primarily for seeing phone and tablet notifications on my PC and occasionally responding to texts. As a senior, it's easier for me to use a keyboard than a phone for texting. Sometimes a use this app to transfer files.
A Google user |Apr 20, 2020
AirDroid is a pretty good way to broadcat and control your devices remotely. You don't need to do anything drastic to connect your devices, and it's easy to set up (~15 minutes). However, it has about 0.25-0.5 second delay and low quality if you do not have the pro version purchased. Overall, it is an easy way to display your devices and control them, free or purchased.

App Storeの評価とレビュー

/5 | 62K 評価
Roaduardo |Nov 29, 2021
It was a shame Pushbullet left the app store but I understand why they did.AirDroid so far is the only best alternative I've found on the app store. It does essentially what Pushbullet did but with higher file sizes at the free version.I'm strongly considering paying for the premium plan because of how well this app has been fulfilling my daily needs and wants when it comes to swapping files back and forth from my Windows PC.Please keep up the good work!
Carson Shafer |Jan 20, 2021
It’s not the cleanest system but it’s free version does exactly what I want it to do and it does it well. Especially cause I wanted a quick and easy way to share files between my IPhone my IPad and my Surface Book 3.
DeRdeDedDa |Apr 11, 2021
This thing is the best it’s a easy way to transfer and view photos and files to a pc and any other iOS device also can you add the desktop view like on the web server I really like air droid.
Roaduardo |Nov 29, 2021
This app has never failed me I can share anything across all my phones and computer instantly great app!
Venusvibe23 |Nov 06, 2021
It appears I loaded app in 2017, and now in 2021 back. WhatsApp has clone apps for iOS but then due to my old iOS 12.5.5 (?) I lost connectivity to my iPhone cell. I remembered this app!
Psychedelic Stoner |Dec 07, 2020
In the time it took Google Photos to back up one of my movies, I have transferred 14. And not small ones. I love this app. I’m keeping this app.
Theovinus |Dec 06, 2018
I used the AirDroid Web feature and it promptly set up a web server on the local WiFi. On my desktop (running Ubuntu) I opened the URL in a browser. Some brief handshaking later, I could transfer photos, videos, etc in either direction. Exactly what I wanted.
Chris |May 24, 2021
It's a good app. I have to use it frequently for file transfer between my phone and my PC. I have got out of trouble of data cable.
Kenny Griffin |Feb 21, 2020
Seems like a great replacement for Pushbullet which discontinued their iOS app. Only thing I’m missing is the ability to quick share links from Chrome. I have to currently copy the link from Chrome, close Chrome, open AirDroid, select Desktop, paste and send. Needs to be a quick share option.